I was looking at my old magazine, and my eyes were stunned by an article, and it was Han Awal, a legendary Indonesian architect. This page was inspired me so much, as I trying to create more art since I have found this article. And I keep wondering if I could get someone to go somewhere, it must be him. It is because of his experience and his expertise in designing buildings in Indonesia. Do you know the great building right in the opposite of Bundaran HI? It was designed by him, aesthetically describing the journey of Indonesian history. Also one of the museum of Indonesia, you should go there dude!
Can you guess where will I go with him? I’ll bring him to Baghdad before the invasion of Hulagu Khan because it‘s the most incredible time when Iraq was in its glory time—just like Mr. Ihsan (my Islamic History teacher) said, Baghdad in that time was the finest city, the most incredible thing at that time. You should see it by your self. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to do now, considering the big attack of Mongol in that era. Han Awal, I will show him the beauty of Baghdad in Abbasiyah time, then I will take him home and work with him to build a beautiful building in Indonesia adapted from Baghdad’s art & architecture. He will be the architect, I will be the interior designer. It will be so C.O.O.L!
I'm sure it will, when the time has come
Can you guess where will I go with him? I’ll bring him to Baghdad before the invasion of Hulagu Khan because it‘s the most incredible time when Iraq was in its glory time—just like Mr. Ihsan (my Islamic History teacher) said, Baghdad in that time was the finest city, the most incredible thing at that time. You should see it by your self. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to do now, considering the big attack of Mongol in that era. Han Awal, I will show him the beauty of Baghdad in Abbasiyah time, then I will take him home and work with him to build a beautiful building in Indonesia adapted from Baghdad’s art & architecture. He will be the architect, I will be the interior designer. It will be so C.O.O.L!
I'm sure it will, when the time has come
salah satu bukti bahwa sebuah bangsa pernah memiliki kekayaan peradaban adalah dari apa yang ditinggalkannya. sebuah bangunan, janganlah hanya dilihar dari onggokan batu, bata, pasir dan besi namun itu adalah sebuah pencapaian dari hasil perenungan yang menggambarkan ilmu, seni, tradisi, ekonomi dan hasrat sebuah bangsa.
BalasHapussemoga kita memiliki seseorang untuk bisa menggambarkan peradaban kita. saya berharap kamu salah satunya. amin.
BalasHapusdoain Pak, semoga saya dapat mewujudkan impian ini...
InsyaAllah Pak Ipik orang pertama yang saya beritahu jika saya telah berhasil membagunnya yang seperti ini
*mungkin tidak dengan Han Awal, beliau sudah lanjut usia sekarang...mungkin dengan anak IC lain.amin.:D